My Story

Living Beyond the Color Pink is about my journey in life.  This is more than a blog about living beyond cancer, this is about a life transformation, the good, bad, and ugly of chronic illness and now of living with stage IV metastatic breast cancer. There will be posts of my wellness, fitness, and lifestyle journey as well because those are what is keeping me moving forward everyday.  I will talk of family, friends, things that wow and things that pow, food, exercise, love, laughter and faith. I will talk of my metastatic disease, when I created this blog I thought I was "living beyond the color pink" and moving on as a breast cancer survivor.  However about a month after my first blog post, I had a twist of fate in my life, and now I am in the throes of a new journey.  I am a Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC) Thriver.

You will get to see that I am 100% real - other than the fake boobs courtesy of the B.C.  I fail, I am flawed, and I learn and try better all the time.   

I do not claim to be an expert on anything, not nutrition, exercise, life coaching however I have a hearty tree of life which has given me experience and knowledge that I have never thought I would gain my my lifetime.

I hope to inspire at least one person to dig deep and work at presenting the world with the best version of themselves at that very moment in time.  Time is infinite yet also finite in that it is fleeting and fluid.


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