I have not fallen into a well - Lassie does not need to come save me. LOL. I know that you might be thinking this, it's been a while since I last sat down to write. I think I have a bit of blog anxiety - will I live up to my last post? Ha!
Let's get the biz out of the way so we can get onto
bigger, better and funnier things. So my scans went well, REALLY well, damn well, to be
honest. First off, I couldn't do it without my scan buddy, Liz. We
made the day into an event, I told everyone I was checking into the Edwards
Hospital Spa and that I really needed to find a better, more relaxing spa to
visit. Liz makes it easy, she keeps me laughing, keeps me on time, on my
toes and calm as a cucumber while I get poked, prodded and pumped full of all
things that make my shit glow - not literally but you get the picture.
Awesome news - no progression of my cancer to any other organ or in my
bones. All areas of cancer show improvement, there are 3 persnickety
spots that are still a wee bit active however even those are still showing
improvement. Move over ladies, I am hopping on the bar, waving my bra in
the air and doing the "yeah baby' happy dance. Dr. K is very
pleased, he has suggested I stay on my ibrance and anastrozole and we will do
this party all over again in 3 months. He is such a sweetie of a doc, he
called me on Friday to let me know my results even though I was scheduled to
meet with him Monday. He gets the "scanxiety" that patients
have and he is kind, patient, and understanding - I can't ask for anything
better than that.
I really wanted to know if I was in remission - that was the million dollar question. Reality strikes once again, it is hard to determine clinical remission for someone with bone mets. My bones will always have a lesion in them, they will always be damaged because the cancer caused that damage. Bones that are healing and regrowing thanks to my chemotherapy and my bone shot will still look damaged and remember that I said before, "healing bone looks similar to cancerous bone". The moral to this story - less focus on the word remission and more focus on the great news from my latest scans. For some reason labels seem important to me or at least they did and I am working on relishing on the words improvement in all areas - sort of a mouth full, but hey, beggars can't be choosers.
Being in the present is something we often hear of but something that can be as illusive as that fabulous Louis Vuitton bag of my previous post. It is simple human nature to forward think. We are taught to plan ahead, to be "on top of our shit", to think of everything, especially those of us who fall into the type AAA category of life. It is a hard habit to break. I reverted back to talking to myself out loud again, repeating daily, hourly, even minute to minute mantras, saying "NO" to the nasty voice in my head, and giving myself a verbal gold star when I feel I deserve a job well done. John and I lived out another of my Life List activities, playing tourist in our hometown. John kept asking me "what are we doing again?" It was hard to explain why I simply wanted to experience something as normal as visiting places I drove past daily. I wanted to be free of worry, we ate, we laughed, we shopped a little, we walked to the point of exhaustion and stayed at the most beautiful hotel I have ever stayed in. My mind would begin to wander, John could see it in my eyes and gently, he would pull me back to that place of peace, the here and now - the best of each individual moment we will ever have. The moment you currently stand in and then the next and the next and the next. That is the mouse on the wheel feeling I need to focus on not the scary one of quarterly scans and waiting for results.
That is why I work so hard to crush my cancer. I work hard to exhaustion to be hopeful and peaceful. I work to build yoga, weights, cardio (I'm failing there but that's another post), reiki, yoga therapy, psycho therapy, physical therapy, hypnotherapy into my regular life. I work to find calm and meditation. I work to remember to use my essential oils (again, failing) and eat my cruciferous vegetables (semi failing) and laugh. I work to find beauty in small wonders. I work to find love. I work to find mindful moments while doing laundry - did you ever think about how great Downy smells or while vacuuming - those lines in the carpet - I LOVE THOSE! But are y'all sensing a theme... I work. When do all of these things become I DO and not I work. When will humbling going to war with a small pac man like cancer cell become simply how I live and not how I work. I need all of this to become a little easier. I know that sounds selfish, why should my life be any easier than any other person's life. It is not that that I am asking for, no special privileges just ease. I used to do this exercise class back before... before cancer came a calling again and they would say find the ease in the effort. That is all I am looking for, the ease in all the effort I am putting forth.
OK it is time to get to some WOWS of my last few weeks, besides my scan results. I will always remember Emma's RE teachers asking the kids for their Pows and Wows of the week. Wows...

2. speaking at my 2nd event, a breast cancer awareness event where I was able to tell my story and share in the love and support from so many
3. feeling natural and enjoying my 2nd speaking event and yearning to do more (not sure how to get more gigs but would LOVE some)
4. spending great times with many friends having drinks, lunch, hanging out, shopping and just being me
5. planning my next Life List adventure - Vegas, Baby! Thanks to a generous benefactor!
6. making a $1050.00 donation to Metavivor from My Mantra Block sales - thank you to everyone who has purchased one
7. adding a My Mantra Block page to my blog - check it out in the header tabs It is pretty cool, I even have pay pal buttons now - SO COOL.
8. and just being able to do as many everyday things as I can
I have missed y'all and missed the glory in this! I am forever indebted to each and every one of you, for reading, sharing, carrying me on your shoulders when I cannot walk alone, praying, laughing and loving my family as we navigate this steep and winding path.

Peace ✌
You always do such a great job of expressing your inner feelings! Stay strong dear sweet friend! So many lessons you have taught others. Seize every moment ♥ Very proud of you! Love you ♥♥♥