Living Beyond The Color Pink...... an organic, evolving journey.:
Hey y''s me....
What is it with rainy...: . Hey y''s me.... What is it with rainy afternoons and me sitting at my desk pouring my thoughts out onto "paper...
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Hey y''s me....
What is it with rainy afternoons and me sitting at my desk pouring my thoughts out onto "paper"? Let me tell ya' I feel a little bit like the 1980's have exploded in my head, I know that doesn't make any sense right now but it will in time, it will all come together with time. First, I need to get a few details out of the way....treatment....(insert gong like music here). I am starting my treatment off with a bang, clap, and boom on Thursday May 4th as I am scheduled to have surgery at 6 pm that evening. Nothing like going big or going home. The goal will be to remove my ovaries and Fallopian tubes in an effort to rid my body of estrogen at the source. This way those pac-man like little furry cancer fuckers won't be able to gobble through my bones feeding off the estrogen and continue to grow bigger and stronger and even furrier than what they are. Again, I wish I could insert some music here because that is exactly what I imagine when I think of my bone mets - just like pac-man - get the 80's reference. 😉 So come Thursday evening, have a drink for me, play some hard ass music with a lot of profanity, and maybe blow off a firework just for shits and giggles because that night I will begin to kick ass against cancer! I will come home Friday morning and that evening begin my oral medications to ensure any estrogen left over is obliterated - ultimate goal - shutting the fuckers down and getting into remission.
I will apologize up front and say my thoughts are ping ponging around my head like a game of Pong - 80's again - not sure why this keeps happening. It has been a whirlwind of rolling tides this week, successes, failures, happy and sad tears. I swear when I am on a high, John is on a low. 🌊
There is a pattern to a diagnosis of this magnitude, it truly requires a secretary to handle all of the juggling of appointments, tests, prescriptions and what not....there is so much back and forth that I have a minor case of whiplash from everything happening to me and around me. On top of the crazy schedules, you are overstimulated with emotions and information and if you are a control freak like I am, you have a list a mile long of everything you want done before your batteries run out and your body is screaming for rest. I have survived a 4 hour MRI - praise the Lord for Liz who held my hand, reminded me to keep my eyes closed, and peeled me off the ceiling when I could no longer take the pain. I have successfully scheduled surgery, met with the doctor performing the surgery and feel so ready that I wish it was happening tomorrow. I have received my first Xgeva shot - you know that commercial right....XGEVA READY? I wish I could insert the jingle here. I battled over getting my $10,000 medicine filled.....yep....that's right.....but for now it looks as if my insurance is going to cover most of it. Only thinking of for now, can't imagine what will happen if it won't be covered. I have worked hard at eating healthy, drinking lots of water, napping when needed, and screaming / crying / laughing / venting when necessary. Those are my successes for the week. 💗
My failures....everyone has them....we grow from them, we learn from them, and we blossom out of the ashes of our failures. For me, the biggest failure that I am having (though I think I can say John is suffering from the same) is giving in to the demon on my shoulder. For me, his name is Chuckie...the Cancer Bitch, he is constantly giving me a mind fuck over and over again. Chuckie appears mostly at night but even sometimes in the light of day. He whispers little cancerism's in my ears to throw me off my game, he isolates me to make me feel alone as if the world is happening without me. Chuckie is a bitch of the highest order and sometimes I swear I can hear his evil little laugh as the doubts creep in and I allow the mind fuck to happen. There are times when I can kick him off balance and as he falls to the floor, I can knock him flat out of this universe - those are the successes I relish the most. When I don't allow cancer to have the power....when I literally take the power back and tell Chuckie to go back to the 80's and leave me the hell alone. 💢
There is something about owning this power for me that I can't explain. Everything happened so fast, one minute I am lifting a 25 pound ball doing calf raises and the next I can barely walk around the block. It turned me upside down and I feel shaken like a dirty martini. I have to take the power back....part of that is knowing my treatment start date, that helps. Part of it is recognizing a few hard truths about myself. I am a person who doesn't like to be alone in crisis. I am strengthened by those supporting me, I am stronger for each and everyone of you. I am terrified of the isolation and because of that I will fight hard against it. This cancer journey is mentally lonely. I am physically surrounded by so many friends and family, loving and supporting me but mentally, I am alone on an island of one. It can be so hard to deal with that mental isolation. 🍸
I am more than just this cancer....I am reminding myself I am still Jo. I am reminding all of you, I am still Jo. I am planning things I want to experience not because I am counting my days but because who doesn't make plans. I want to see concerts and fields full of tulips - my absolute favorite flower. I want to shop with my kids, laugh with my friends and be laughed at for the stupid Jo like things I do. I want someone to talk to me about the latest fashion trend or the cute new place to visit in town. I want to forget what is inside me eating my bones, I want you to forget sometimes too. I want you to know that's's OK to call me out on my shit, it's OK to see us smile. I want to imagine Amsterdam with my faithful friends because I will get there one day, I promise. I need to be hugged but also popped on the head when I am only talking about what I can't do. I need to remember what I can do everyday. I need to be open to learning how to cope, how to workout in this new body, how to accept myself and love myself for me in spite of Chuckie the cancer bitch. 💪
Another success...I expanded my vocabulary and knowledge. I plan to share a little bit about Metastatic BC each time I write. This journey is about me not only finding my voice but also raising it to the heavens for all to hear about this unspoken disease. I hope y'all don't mind listening. I found out that some people with Metastatic BC call themselves lifers, or thrivers, or metsers. I realized I am still attached to my pink ribbon but I am a thriver now. The term thriver allows me to picture health in abundance, a field of flowers thriving, a garden lush with vegetables, a litter full of strong healthy adorable puppies thriving with life. I am going to be a thriver....words and thoughts have energy. Our words, thoughts, and actions can create our reality, it can shape our lives, so with that said....I am a going to thrive. And when I am down because I am smart enough to know that is the ebb and flow of life, especially for someone with this type of disease....I want you to remind me of who I am now. I am a thriver. 😇
Peace ✌
PS.....sorry for the colorful language running through this post. For those who find it hard to hear, I wish I could say it differently but this is me, this was old Jo, this is cancer Jo, and this is new Jo....
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Living Beyond The Color Pink...... an organic, evolving journey.: Metastatic Mama
Living Beyond The Color Pink...... an organic, evolving journey.: Metastatic Mama: Hey y''s me.... These words have been swirling in my mind since last night and I actually had a different title for this...
Metastatic Mama
Hey y''s me....
These words have been swirling in my mind since last night and I actually had a different title for this one though the curse word was rather harsh and I didn't want to start out with such a bang. First before I begin lamenting on again, I need to say THANK YOU. These trite words are not nearly enough to display the gratitude I and my family feel. I have been carried through these last few days on the wings of your prayers, positivity, mojo, good energy and love. I realized this morning that you are my tribe, when yesterday I said I don't belong to anyone, this morning I woke, my family, friends, are my tribe and I am forever humbled by the outpouring of everything I am receiving.
So...let's get down to the nitty gritty Metastatic Mayhem that is now my life. I am sitting front row and center on the cancer train, barreling full speed ahead, destination - well hell, we don't want a destination because that means things we are not going to talk about yet. For now, I am going to do what I can to hunker down and just enjoy this ride....maybe my train conductor could look like Ryan Gosling or some other famously hunky man. But I digress, again.
When I walked in at the hospital and saw the staircase leading to the 2nd floor cancer center, all I could think of was that I cannot climb these stairs. This is too much to take on but I snapped my photo, went up, checked in, and suddenly I thought "this shit just got real". A new sense of anxiety blanketed over both mine and my husbands shoulders....the weight was 200 hundred pounds at least and I think we both carried it around all day.
The news....yesterday I met with Dr. K, his nurses and social workers at the Cancer Center. I had more information thrown at me, I thought my brain was going to explode. All of a sudden, I was learning a new language with words and phrases that I swore were not in English. I felt like someone switched the station in my head to Telemundo TV. Let's start with the positive.....the outcome of the biopsy showed nothing more than what was expected, no other organs seems to be affected, Dr K has so many options in his medical bag that it gave me hope, and we will be starting treatment right away...the waiting is almost over. The downside - look at what I did there - I didn't say negative....I am literally patting myself on the back for that positive moment. OK....downside....this is a stage 4 metastatic breast cancer in my bone. The cancer itself is ER/PR + which means it is estrogen / progesterone positive. Those 2 hormones are what feeds my cancer cells and helps them to grow and multiply like dirty little fuckers. OK, folks move your eyes away from the number 4, close your mouth gently so you don't bite your tongue. I know it's scary...I personally now have an utter disgust for the number 4. I am sure Sesame Street would sing some song to me over the benefits of the number 4 but I will never see it the same again. My cancer is a stage 4 because it has progressed outside of the originating cancer site - my breast and advanced to another organ. Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer is not curable - those words are hard to swallow but it is treatable and that is what I am running high on right now.
My treatment will be 2 fold - the ultimate goal will be to rid my body fully and completely of estrogen. WOOHOO....menopause I am coming back....let's throw a party! I just can't wait. I will receive an injection on Thursday to chemically shut down my ovaries, I will receive this injection monthly until I can get my ovaries removed. My goal, because I am not letting the pink cancer grass grow under my feet, is to try and have the surgery is in the works. I will also receive another monthly injection to help strengthen my bones. With the cancer being in the bone, we have to watch for the outer layer of my bone for degeneration, we want to keep that outer layer strong to protect my bones from becoming brittle. Lucky me that the bones affected are not bones that take on a lot of stress - meaning things would be different if it were in my femur or tibia, for example. The next part of my treatment plan are 2 oral medications. The first one is an aromatase inhibitor, this drug will help to block the estrogen in my body further depriving the cancer cells of their "food source". The second one is called Ibrance - it is a drug that inhibits the molecules that play a role in the cancer cells growth. It is this "cocktail" of medications the doctor feels will give me my first chance of remission and it also shows promise of longer periods of remission status.
There are a few other things I need to get taken care of besides my surgery. On Thursday I will also have an MRI of my full spinal cord and brain. Dr. K is more concerned over my spinal cord as the little cancer fuckers are littered throughout my spine and he would like to get some better images for a baseline. I will also have a baseline blood test for tumor markers. All of these tests, including the bone scan will be repeated in 3 months. That will be my stop 3 months time we are hoping the little fuckers are all fucked out and dormant. If not, Dr. K will alter my "cocktail" and we will go at it again. This will now be my life....forever holding my breath....forever waiting on some test....forever praying for remission. My life was just put on pause and I think the button broke or is stuck or lost - damn this cancer crap. And by the way....I would rather have a frickin' margarita for a cocktail - just saying!
Dr. K patiently answered all my questions, quietly waited for me to catch my breath as I was holding back tears. I told him I purposefully wore mascara for him so I wouldn't cry....I was marginally successful. We have some options for pain management for now however Dr K is really hoping that once treatment is underway my body will respond and my fevers, chills, pain, hot mouth, fatigue, and weight loss will be better. The other shoe falling from the sky is what will the "cocktail" gift me with in regards to side effects. It is yet another unknown and frankly a present I would like to return but I'm not sure where to send it, address unknown. Menopause will bring about it's own fun party tricks, as for the rest, it is another waiting particular concern, the impact on my migraines. Please GOD don't bring them back ten might just do me under.
We talked about time....this is a number that I was focusing on much of my day yesterday. There was a neon sign flashing in my mind.....but as Dr K reminded is really another unknown. So much can change, good or bad so instead of looking that far ahead down the track, I need to look at now. Again, I am only marginally successful. I took all this in, John and I had lunch, chatted, reached out to family and friends but honestly it's not real. I mean, I am not crazy, I know what is happening, it just feels like an out of body experience. In a matter of a few short weeks, I went from a pink warrior survivor to a lost cancer patient. I still identify with the color pink but I no longer am part of their army. I am walking the combat lines, looking for my army but I realized no one talks about Metastatic Breast Cancer. There are others out there like me, I know that but this cancer doesn't have a voice. It is the ugly step sister to the Cinderella pink fairy tail. It is the scary breast cancer, the one that may drive the research but there are no voices talking about this life, this fight for life, this rite for life, this fucking terminal breast cancer.
My husband seems to feel that maybe this is my purpose. If we cannot explain why bad things happen, why God has chosen this particular path for me, maybe God is encouraging me to find my voice for this disease. Maybe I can bring hope, change, awareness, and understanding to the something hushed and unspoken. I don't know if I agree with John, I just know that writing clears the demons, gives me hope, and reminds me to find a way to push play on my life once again.
My day yesterday was fraught with so much but one thing hasn't changed. I am still a mom and so after all the crap, the talking, the calls, the crying, I got up, got dressed and went to be a mom with my son at the high school he will be attending in the fall. This was my first big outing since I boarded the train....not going to lie, I broke down at the end. I think, I was tired, I was over thinking, it was nighttime, the scariest part of my days. There was an emphasis on the class of 2021 - my son's graduating year and I had this moment of resign - what will he cope.....and that is what did me in. I know I cannot think like this but I ask you how do you not let it creep in every now and then? How does the devil not insinuate himself in your head and fuck with your mind when you have something inside your body that doesn't belong. I was with a group of women and realized these are things hopefully they never have to face and I became sad for the burden I carry and for that I am so sorry. I am sorry that I let the devil win. I am sorry I have this disease. I am sorry of the financial stress it will put on us, the emotional stress on everyone, the physical stress it is going to take to fight everyday and win everyday.
All I can ask is for today. Today, I am going to push the devil away and I am going to win today because each little success can be woven into a quilt of strength. This, overtime, will comfort me and remind me to always persevere.
Peace ✌
These words have been swirling in my mind since last night and I actually had a different title for this one though the curse word was rather harsh and I didn't want to start out with such a bang. First before I begin lamenting on again, I need to say THANK YOU. These trite words are not nearly enough to display the gratitude I and my family feel. I have been carried through these last few days on the wings of your prayers, positivity, mojo, good energy and love. I realized this morning that you are my tribe, when yesterday I said I don't belong to anyone, this morning I woke, my family, friends, are my tribe and I am forever humbled by the outpouring of everything I am receiving.
So...let's get down to the nitty gritty Metastatic Mayhem that is now my life. I am sitting front row and center on the cancer train, barreling full speed ahead, destination - well hell, we don't want a destination because that means things we are not going to talk about yet. For now, I am going to do what I can to hunker down and just enjoy this ride....maybe my train conductor could look like Ryan Gosling or some other famously hunky man. But I digress, again.
When I walked in at the hospital and saw the staircase leading to the 2nd floor cancer center, all I could think of was that I cannot climb these stairs. This is too much to take on but I snapped my photo, went up, checked in, and suddenly I thought "this shit just got real". A new sense of anxiety blanketed over both mine and my husbands shoulders....the weight was 200 hundred pounds at least and I think we both carried it around all day.
The news....yesterday I met with Dr. K, his nurses and social workers at the Cancer Center. I had more information thrown at me, I thought my brain was going to explode. All of a sudden, I was learning a new language with words and phrases that I swore were not in English. I felt like someone switched the station in my head to Telemundo TV. Let's start with the positive.....the outcome of the biopsy showed nothing more than what was expected, no other organs seems to be affected, Dr K has so many options in his medical bag that it gave me hope, and we will be starting treatment right away...the waiting is almost over. The downside - look at what I did there - I didn't say negative....I am literally patting myself on the back for that positive moment. OK....downside....this is a stage 4 metastatic breast cancer in my bone. The cancer itself is ER/PR + which means it is estrogen / progesterone positive. Those 2 hormones are what feeds my cancer cells and helps them to grow and multiply like dirty little fuckers. OK, folks move your eyes away from the number 4, close your mouth gently so you don't bite your tongue. I know it's scary...I personally now have an utter disgust for the number 4. I am sure Sesame Street would sing some song to me over the benefits of the number 4 but I will never see it the same again. My cancer is a stage 4 because it has progressed outside of the originating cancer site - my breast and advanced to another organ. Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer is not curable - those words are hard to swallow but it is treatable and that is what I am running high on right now.
My treatment will be 2 fold - the ultimate goal will be to rid my body fully and completely of estrogen. WOOHOO....menopause I am coming back....let's throw a party! I just can't wait. I will receive an injection on Thursday to chemically shut down my ovaries, I will receive this injection monthly until I can get my ovaries removed. My goal, because I am not letting the pink cancer grass grow under my feet, is to try and have the surgery is in the works. I will also receive another monthly injection to help strengthen my bones. With the cancer being in the bone, we have to watch for the outer layer of my bone for degeneration, we want to keep that outer layer strong to protect my bones from becoming brittle. Lucky me that the bones affected are not bones that take on a lot of stress - meaning things would be different if it were in my femur or tibia, for example. The next part of my treatment plan are 2 oral medications. The first one is an aromatase inhibitor, this drug will help to block the estrogen in my body further depriving the cancer cells of their "food source". The second one is called Ibrance - it is a drug that inhibits the molecules that play a role in the cancer cells growth. It is this "cocktail" of medications the doctor feels will give me my first chance of remission and it also shows promise of longer periods of remission status.
There are a few other things I need to get taken care of besides my surgery. On Thursday I will also have an MRI of my full spinal cord and brain. Dr. K is more concerned over my spinal cord as the little cancer fuckers are littered throughout my spine and he would like to get some better images for a baseline. I will also have a baseline blood test for tumor markers. All of these tests, including the bone scan will be repeated in 3 months. That will be my stop 3 months time we are hoping the little fuckers are all fucked out and dormant. If not, Dr. K will alter my "cocktail" and we will go at it again. This will now be my life....forever holding my breath....forever waiting on some test....forever praying for remission. My life was just put on pause and I think the button broke or is stuck or lost - damn this cancer crap. And by the way....I would rather have a frickin' margarita for a cocktail - just saying!
Dr. K patiently answered all my questions, quietly waited for me to catch my breath as I was holding back tears. I told him I purposefully wore mascara for him so I wouldn't cry....I was marginally successful. We have some options for pain management for now however Dr K is really hoping that once treatment is underway my body will respond and my fevers, chills, pain, hot mouth, fatigue, and weight loss will be better. The other shoe falling from the sky is what will the "cocktail" gift me with in regards to side effects. It is yet another unknown and frankly a present I would like to return but I'm not sure where to send it, address unknown. Menopause will bring about it's own fun party tricks, as for the rest, it is another waiting particular concern, the impact on my migraines. Please GOD don't bring them back ten might just do me under.
We talked about time....this is a number that I was focusing on much of my day yesterday. There was a neon sign flashing in my mind.....but as Dr K reminded is really another unknown. So much can change, good or bad so instead of looking that far ahead down the track, I need to look at now. Again, I am only marginally successful. I took all this in, John and I had lunch, chatted, reached out to family and friends but honestly it's not real. I mean, I am not crazy, I know what is happening, it just feels like an out of body experience. In a matter of a few short weeks, I went from a pink warrior survivor to a lost cancer patient. I still identify with the color pink but I no longer am part of their army. I am walking the combat lines, looking for my army but I realized no one talks about Metastatic Breast Cancer. There are others out there like me, I know that but this cancer doesn't have a voice. It is the ugly step sister to the Cinderella pink fairy tail. It is the scary breast cancer, the one that may drive the research but there are no voices talking about this life, this fight for life, this rite for life, this fucking terminal breast cancer.
My husband seems to feel that maybe this is my purpose. If we cannot explain why bad things happen, why God has chosen this particular path for me, maybe God is encouraging me to find my voice for this disease. Maybe I can bring hope, change, awareness, and understanding to the something hushed and unspoken. I don't know if I agree with John, I just know that writing clears the demons, gives me hope, and reminds me to find a way to push play on my life once again.
My day yesterday was fraught with so much but one thing hasn't changed. I am still a mom and so after all the crap, the talking, the calls, the crying, I got up, got dressed and went to be a mom with my son at the high school he will be attending in the fall. This was my first big outing since I boarded the train....not going to lie, I broke down at the end. I think, I was tired, I was over thinking, it was nighttime, the scariest part of my days. There was an emphasis on the class of 2021 - my son's graduating year and I had this moment of resign - what will he cope.....and that is what did me in. I know I cannot think like this but I ask you how do you not let it creep in every now and then? How does the devil not insinuate himself in your head and fuck with your mind when you have something inside your body that doesn't belong. I was with a group of women and realized these are things hopefully they never have to face and I became sad for the burden I carry and for that I am so sorry. I am sorry that I let the devil win. I am sorry I have this disease. I am sorry of the financial stress it will put on us, the emotional stress on everyone, the physical stress it is going to take to fight everyday and win everyday.
All I can ask is for today. Today, I am going to push the devil away and I am going to win today because each little success can be woven into a quilt of strength. This, overtime, will comfort me and remind me to always persevere.
Peace ✌
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Living Beyond The Color Pink...... an organic, evolving journey.: A Little T & A
Living Beyond The Color Pink...... an organic, evolving journey.: A Little T & A: Hey y''s me.... If we do n't find humor in adversity, adversity will take over and win. This is one of the many thin...
A Little T & A
If we don't find humor in adversity, adversity will take over and win. This is one of the many things I keep telling myself, along with you've got this, hang on, fuck it, no that's not right, and stop talking to yourself - you look like a nut ball.
This past week has been moving at a snails pass, I have experienced the highest of high - no pot involved - and the lowest of lows - also no pot involved. I find that I am sometimes being the strong one for everyone else, not that I think for one second everyone else is expecting that from me but rather that I cannot bear to think otherwise. For if I am not strong, then no one else will believe the shit storm I am selling and have strength for me. Does this make any sense because to be honest I am feeling a tad bit undone at the moment. It is T-2 days before the big reveal. That is what I am beginning to think of Monday. My own version of a Chip and Joanna show except that instead of a fabulous new home remodel at the end, I will be receiving a new protocol of pills, drugs, toxins, and steroids to makeover a new, improved, less cancerous version of myself. Dark, maybe, but also a bit of reality thrown into the mix. Today, I am all about reality.
I have endured the most tragic of news thus far, the diagnosis and feel that come Monday, I will be ready to buy, sell, and trade whatever it is Dr. K is telling me. For nothing can be worse than the unknown cancer purgatory that I am currently in. I have my handy, dandy notebook ready, pencil in hand, questions laid out and formulated, ears cleaned out for maximum listening potential...I am ready, all I need is to go to sleep and wake up Monday morning. I have this vision of me up and dressed at 7 am, driving to buy to donuts and coffee for Dr. K and his staff, showing up early, and handing over my gifts as if to say...look I am bribing you to be nice and give me the best news ever. Don't worry, I won't actually go and do that but it is nice to indulge in that fantasy versus some of the other things I have been imagining.
Let's lighten things up a bit, shall we? Many of you already know, I am an anomaly in the medical world - if there is a side effect, I will probably get it, if there is a strange condition, it's mine, if there is an issue with medicine, my name is on it. So it doesn't surprise me that this new path on my journey isn't going the way of what I would consider "normal". Since my first step April 1st on this new pink path, the most pain, the most annoying places on my body causing me trouble.....are my tits and my ass. Yep...that's right folks....only me.....has a cancer recurrence and most of my tumors reside in the bones in my ass - sacral, iliac, low spine - and my tits - sternum and ribs. So when I have a flare up, it is my tits, ass, and then my legs that bother me the most. I have to find humor in this because it is too absurd to be anything other than ridiculous.
Let's talk biopsy. This was probably one of the most humiliating points in my cancer career. I have had a lot of shit done to me, been in a lot of compromising positions and have had more people see me naked that I care to recall. As I entered into the hospital for my biopsy Wednesday with my faithful friend Liz by my side, the world seemed to be titled slightly to the right. There was a scurry of activity, more nurses that I needed around me, it was loud, chaotic, and one mishap after another. Nothing was life threatening but when the nurse wanted to check my blood because I was a diabetic (which I am not), I did ask her if she was even dealing with the right patient. After that and a few other small snafu's, I told them all to get their shit together and come back because I couldn't deal with their crap right now. Pretty much, my exact one and only break down Wednesday morning. Next stop on the cancer train was the CT room where they would be performing the CT guided needle biopsy. Enter Doogie Howser - not kidding - the doctor looked 12, OK maybe 15, seemed like a nice enough man though, very knowledgeable and thorough in what he was about to do to me. Dr. Doogie explained they were going to biopsy my iliac bone. From my uneducated point of reference, I thought that would be the bony part of the front of my hip. Then Dr. Doogie explained I would be lying on my stomach on the CT table????? I began to have a quizzical expression on my face, looking first at Liz and then back to Dr. Doogie when realization hit my like a punch in the face....this man, this doctor was going to drill a needle into the bone in my ASS. WTF....this cannot be happening.
I looked to the kind doctor and said...."wait you are drilling into my ass". He flubbed around a little with his words but I just kept repeating it because I think I needed to hear him say it out loud. Yes, he was going to be drilling the needle in the iliac bone in my upper right ass cheek. Apparently your iliac bones are the bones that create the girdle which holds your pelvis in place - who frickin/ knew? I so need an anatomy lesson to figure out where all these places are on my body. So there I am, face down on the table with more wires and tubes in me than a sound machine has, being slid back and forth through the CT machine, ass up, so they can get the images they need to find the exact spot to drill. When I say drill, I mean a home depot special. It sounded exactly the same as the one my husband uses when fixing things around our house. In my drug induced slurred speech, I mentioned this fact to Dr. Doogie and asked him if he did indeed buy this drill at home depot. I am not so sure he appreciated my humor. Biopsy done, recovery done, on our way home and all I can think of ass hurts. Only me....tits and ass....only me.
Moving on from Wednesday throughout the rest of the week, I have begun to heal. The biopsy left nothing more than a small prick of a needle, a bruise and a shit ton of internal bone pain. It has been uncomfortable at best, downright painful as shit at worst. The spot is just in an unfortunate place as it is aggravated when I sit, recline, lay down on either side or my back, walk around or drive. This then aggravates the other affected sites which then causes the bone pain to radiate down my legs. I am not telling you this to feel sorry for me, just being real. I have literally become my own pain in the ass.....
I have had been blessed with family and friends being my lifeline right now. They are tethering themselves to me, keeping me steady, making me laugh so hard I almost pee and talking me through the tears. I had a good release Thursday night, it was probably one of the lowest points for me this week. I don't know why but it was a trifecta of a clusterfuck happening all at once. I was in pain, I had a fever, I felt alone, scared, tired, overwhelmed and tired of living my story. There were a few angels unbeknownst to them that this was happening who called and texted that helped take the edge off but I think I needed to let it go...let it come out...drain the tear ducts. Which is exactly what I did, hiding in the bathroom with the shower running so Jack wouldn't hear me, I let loose while texting my poor sister who is so far away. She rallied though and stayed with me through the storm...Bless her for that.
You might wonder why I am over it a condition I have? No...I don't think it's something to be alarmed of or something for me to be ashamed of....this is now part of my life. But the amazing thing is, what I need everyone to remember, is I am still me...tits and ass and all. I will be a hot mess at times, I will be the same old Jo at times. I need cyber filled pages of love and prayers, I need random text messages and calls and face to face chats. I need alone time and time when I am surrounded by people to the point of suffocation. I need to release. I need to hold my shit together. I need to be strong and be weak. I need to listen and pray. I need to feel. I need all of it and I also need to remember that I cannot do this alone. I am humbled by what we are receiving. I am indebted in gratitude for the kindness, love, prayers, hands on help, check ins, hugs, laughs, prayers and peace you all are sharing with my family. This journey will be a long one because I am not ready for it to be anything but that. Stay with me, stay strong, and I will pay if forward to each and every one of you in whatever way I can. I promise you that.
Peace ✌
Monday, April 17, 2017
Twist of Fate
Hey y''s me....
PSA Alert....this post will contain some profanity....I will apologize up front but I hope once you read through you will understand.
Well ain't this a son-of-a-bitch and goddamn! I haven't posted for a while and I hope you are wondering where I have been, I haven't fallen into a well but I have been under the weather. There is no easy way for me to say this so I am just going to rip the band aid off and work backwards from there. I have cancer...again....yep....that's fucking right! Can you believe the bitch that is! Let me tell you, I can't...I am still in shock. So here is my shit of a nightmare I have been living these past few weeks.
Around April 1st I started feeling not the greatest. My body was achy and I was running a low grade fever on and off, nothing more than what I assumed to be the flu or some variation of a viral illness. As that week went on, I would have good days and bad days and was talking with both my GP and GI doc - don't know if you recall - but I was pre-prepping for my upcoming colonoscopy. The GP felt it was viral based on the low grade fever and body aches though did become concerned when on Wednesday April 5th, the pain in my lower body became so extreme I had to leave work. At that point my GI doc was requesting a clean bill of health from the GP prior to the colonoscopy otherwise we would not be able to proceed. I went in to see my GP, Dr.R and he ordered a round of blood tests, a flu test, and a few other things. Everything came back fine except for one inflammatory marker in my blood work however Dr. R was able to explain that as possibly due to a virus. Dr. R did recommend at that time that I post pone my colonoscopy. I then went about my week and into the weekend, again having good and bad days. On Sunday, April 9th, my right breast began to ache, almost felt like infection and I was beginning to worry that something was going on with my implant. The next day, Monday, I called Dr. R once again - seriously beginning to feel like a real pain in the ass for nothing more than a virus but the boob issue was bothering me. He immediately recommended I see my oncologist - Dr. K.
Dr. K examined me and was equally baffled in that nothing I was showing, my low grade fever or my blood test results were anything that screamed....ALL ABOARD FOR THE CANCER TRAIN!. He did find some tissue tenderness near my right breast, a little bony tenderness in my hip and low back and was concerned with my weight loss. I easily explained this away with "well you are pushing on my body so of course it will be tender and yes I have lost weight, I have cleaned up my eating, I am working out hard with cardio and weight training and my migraines have been easing off". Dust off my hands and call it a day. Dr. K even felt that it could be viral but decided to run his own set of blood work. By the time he called me that evening with the results, I was back in bed, fever and aching, freezing with 6 blankets on me. Dr. K was quite surprised to hear this as my chemistry panel looked good except for now 2 elevated inflammatory markers. Those markers, the weight loss, and the pain in my boob helped him make the decision to order a CT scan.
TOOT TOOT - cancer train was calling. I have been down this road before. Mystery illnesses that do not lend to convention and doctors ordering imaging because they need to get a better picture. I went into this CT thinking "no worries" just don't want to drink the barium shit. Bolstered by my faithful side kick, Liz, we went for my test....drank all the shit like a good girl, laid still as a stone and before I knew it Liz and I were hanging out in the waiting room for Dr. K to call me with the results. I kept saying "I'm not worried, it's nothing". After about 2 hours the receptionist informed me that Dr. K was unavailable and would call my cell. No problem I thought as it's not going to be anything anyways. In my pushy yet not pushy fashion, I simply asked..."is it a nay or yay" (doing the thumbs up or down hand signal). With that, she printed me my report and told me to take care.
I held on to that report like it was the dead sea scrolls. I could tell Liz was a little concerned but knew better than to take it from me. She did gently say that we should open it in the car. Poor thing, I barely let her get into the drivers seat when I was scanning my eyes over the papers, landing on the conclusion page where I saw the words METASTATIC 4 times. I flipped, hyperventilated, bolted from the car like a lady on fire and ran to the other end of the parking lot. Not entirely sure where the fuck I was going but I needed to move. Liz in her best way...God I love her for being my rock, picked me up, held me tight, and brought me back to the car. She called John, sicced him on calling Dr. K and took me to the only place I wanted to go...home.
With that, John and I left the house to get me out and clear my head. All I wanted was french fries so we indulged in a big bag of greasy, salty fries from 5 Guys and talked and talked and talked, not sure about what as we really didn't know what anything on that report meant. I received a call from Dr. K that evening and he confirmed what every cancer survivor does not want to hear...there are lesions showing signs of suspicious metastatic disease. I don't really remember what I did next other than to cry and feel the fear sink in. Dr. K ordered a nuclear bone scan for the next day and we said good-bye....there wasn't much to say at that point as we were speculating....another huge no-no when dealing with cancer. I ended up at my friend Mary's house, a fellow survivor and we looked at that report 6 ways from Sunday, I told her what Dr. K said and we cried....a lot....let's face it.....I knew this was not going to be anything but shit on a stick.
April 12th, I had my nuclear bone scan....not all together a bad test but I am not a fan of small spaces....nonetheless,,,,after being injected with nuclear isotopes, they scanned me head to toe, front and back. Again....more waiting. Thursday morning, April 13th, Dr. K called and confirmed that what they saw on the scans are indeed metastatic breast cancer in my bones....or bone mets. WHAT THE FUCK! How did this just happen....and in a not so ironic twist, only 1 day earlier than my first diagnosis 6 years ago.
So what now....I bet you all are thinking what now? I know that's what I want to know, every bit and detail of information I could get from Dr. K. The thing is, I still need to have a biopsy, so at this point I am in a sort of cancer purgatory where waiting for more information is like being in limbo...a sort of cancer hell. My biopsy is scheduled for Wednesday, April 19th and I will have my follow up appointment with Dr K on Monday, April 24th where he will outline the results of the biopsy, the type of breast cancer cell we are dealing with, the scan results and ultimately my treatment options. Again, one day earlier than what I consider my cancer free date from 6 years ago. The universe is fucking hysterical in their irony....I, for one, am not laughing anymore.
Dr. K assures me not to get ahead of myself. I know that is meant with the deepest empathy but I am a person who wants, almost needs to be in control. I need to know what this means and how this is going to impact me, my kids, John. My poor babies....more on them in a second. This is what I do know. This is a metastatic disease, meaning that one of my earlier breast cancer cells has migrated and implanted and festered and grown and decided to fuck up another organ of my bones. There are at least 5 sites with lesions, my iliac bones, my scaral bones, a few spots on my spine, my sternum, and some ribs. I also know this is not curable....but is supposed to be treatable. As Dr K told me, if you had to choose where your disease came back, bones is a good place that responds well to treatment. He says many people can live "many, many years" with treatment but again some develop problems after a few years and well...then....
With my first cancer tango, there was a symmetry to everything, there was a beginning, a middle and a definite end where life went back to normal and life moved on, I moved on. With this tango, I have a diagnosis. I will have a treatment. I DO NOT WANT an end because that will mean the end of me and I am not ready to face that, not one fucking bit!
My hope is obviously for the first option, I hope, I PRAY, that I will respond to treatment, that we will suppress my disease and force its furry little cancer ass back into remission. I don't know why but I always picture cancer cells as furry little fuckers.
My babies are amazing, they astound me with their was like..."OK, you get treatment, you go into remission and you are good". God Bless them for this....I hope maybe HE is listening to them because I sort of feel like HE is bullying me. I am not saying that I don't deserve this anymore than the next person, I am not better than anyone. I have however carried and faced my share of hurdles throughout my life, from literally the day I was born until now. I know there are others out there who face far worse than what I am facing, I am just tired of being dealt a raw deal because there is no other words than THIS KIND OF SUCKS.
I am swinging on a pendulum of emotions from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. I am scared, terrified, angry, isolated, and paralyzed with everything that is happening. I know how to be a cancer survivor but I do not know how to be a person who has to live alongside it everyday. I am not a survivor anymore, I am a person with this disease, no longer "Beyond the Color Pink" but now swimming amongst it's hues.
I will use this blog as my "care page" as it is cathartic for me to write and release the swirling dervish of words in my head. Maybe now, I will sleep tonight, maybe now I will begin to find some peace and hope. I ask for your prayers to whatever God, Karma, MO JO, or spirit you believe in, I am no longer in a position to be choosy, I am simply trying my absolute DAMNEDEST to be here for my babies, John, my family and friends.
Thank you for listening. My apologies on my curse words. Warmest thoughts and many thanks to y'all.
Peace ✌

Well ain't this a son-of-a-bitch and goddamn! I haven't posted for a while and I hope you are wondering where I have been, I haven't fallen into a well but I have been under the weather. There is no easy way for me to say this so I am just going to rip the band aid off and work backwards from there. I have cancer...again....yep....that's fucking right! Can you believe the bitch that is! Let me tell you, I can't...I am still in shock. So here is my shit of a nightmare I have been living these past few weeks.
Around April 1st I started feeling not the greatest. My body was achy and I was running a low grade fever on and off, nothing more than what I assumed to be the flu or some variation of a viral illness. As that week went on, I would have good days and bad days and was talking with both my GP and GI doc - don't know if you recall - but I was pre-prepping for my upcoming colonoscopy. The GP felt it was viral based on the low grade fever and body aches though did become concerned when on Wednesday April 5th, the pain in my lower body became so extreme I had to leave work. At that point my GI doc was requesting a clean bill of health from the GP prior to the colonoscopy otherwise we would not be able to proceed. I went in to see my GP, Dr.R and he ordered a round of blood tests, a flu test, and a few other things. Everything came back fine except for one inflammatory marker in my blood work however Dr. R was able to explain that as possibly due to a virus. Dr. R did recommend at that time that I post pone my colonoscopy. I then went about my week and into the weekend, again having good and bad days. On Sunday, April 9th, my right breast began to ache, almost felt like infection and I was beginning to worry that something was going on with my implant. The next day, Monday, I called Dr. R once again - seriously beginning to feel like a real pain in the ass for nothing more than a virus but the boob issue was bothering me. He immediately recommended I see my oncologist - Dr. K.
Dr. K examined me and was equally baffled in that nothing I was showing, my low grade fever or my blood test results were anything that screamed....ALL ABOARD FOR THE CANCER TRAIN!. He did find some tissue tenderness near my right breast, a little bony tenderness in my hip and low back and was concerned with my weight loss. I easily explained this away with "well you are pushing on my body so of course it will be tender and yes I have lost weight, I have cleaned up my eating, I am working out hard with cardio and weight training and my migraines have been easing off". Dust off my hands and call it a day. Dr. K even felt that it could be viral but decided to run his own set of blood work. By the time he called me that evening with the results, I was back in bed, fever and aching, freezing with 6 blankets on me. Dr. K was quite surprised to hear this as my chemistry panel looked good except for now 2 elevated inflammatory markers. Those markers, the weight loss, and the pain in my boob helped him make the decision to order a CT scan.
TOOT TOOT - cancer train was calling. I have been down this road before. Mystery illnesses that do not lend to convention and doctors ordering imaging because they need to get a better picture. I went into this CT thinking "no worries" just don't want to drink the barium shit. Bolstered by my faithful side kick, Liz, we went for my test....drank all the shit like a good girl, laid still as a stone and before I knew it Liz and I were hanging out in the waiting room for Dr. K to call me with the results. I kept saying "I'm not worried, it's nothing". After about 2 hours the receptionist informed me that Dr. K was unavailable and would call my cell. No problem I thought as it's not going to be anything anyways. In my pushy yet not pushy fashion, I simply asked..."is it a nay or yay" (doing the thumbs up or down hand signal). With that, she printed me my report and told me to take care.
I held on to that report like it was the dead sea scrolls. I could tell Liz was a little concerned but knew better than to take it from me. She did gently say that we should open it in the car. Poor thing, I barely let her get into the drivers seat when I was scanning my eyes over the papers, landing on the conclusion page where I saw the words METASTATIC 4 times. I flipped, hyperventilated, bolted from the car like a lady on fire and ran to the other end of the parking lot. Not entirely sure where the fuck I was going but I needed to move. Liz in her best way...God I love her for being my rock, picked me up, held me tight, and brought me back to the car. She called John, sicced him on calling Dr. K and took me to the only place I wanted to go...home.
With that, John and I left the house to get me out and clear my head. All I wanted was french fries so we indulged in a big bag of greasy, salty fries from 5 Guys and talked and talked and talked, not sure about what as we really didn't know what anything on that report meant. I received a call from Dr. K that evening and he confirmed what every cancer survivor does not want to hear...there are lesions showing signs of suspicious metastatic disease. I don't really remember what I did next other than to cry and feel the fear sink in. Dr. K ordered a nuclear bone scan for the next day and we said good-bye....there wasn't much to say at that point as we were speculating....another huge no-no when dealing with cancer. I ended up at my friend Mary's house, a fellow survivor and we looked at that report 6 ways from Sunday, I told her what Dr. K said and we cried....a lot....let's face it.....I knew this was not going to be anything but shit on a stick.
April 12th, I had my nuclear bone scan....not all together a bad test but I am not a fan of small spaces....nonetheless,,,,after being injected with nuclear isotopes, they scanned me head to toe, front and back. Again....more waiting. Thursday morning, April 13th, Dr. K called and confirmed that what they saw on the scans are indeed metastatic breast cancer in my bones....or bone mets. WHAT THE FUCK! How did this just happen....and in a not so ironic twist, only 1 day earlier than my first diagnosis 6 years ago.
So what now....I bet you all are thinking what now? I know that's what I want to know, every bit and detail of information I could get from Dr. K. The thing is, I still need to have a biopsy, so at this point I am in a sort of cancer purgatory where waiting for more information is like being in limbo...a sort of cancer hell. My biopsy is scheduled for Wednesday, April 19th and I will have my follow up appointment with Dr K on Monday, April 24th where he will outline the results of the biopsy, the type of breast cancer cell we are dealing with, the scan results and ultimately my treatment options. Again, one day earlier than what I consider my cancer free date from 6 years ago. The universe is fucking hysterical in their irony....I, for one, am not laughing anymore.
Dr. K assures me not to get ahead of myself. I know that is meant with the deepest empathy but I am a person who wants, almost needs to be in control. I need to know what this means and how this is going to impact me, my kids, John. My poor babies....more on them in a second. This is what I do know. This is a metastatic disease, meaning that one of my earlier breast cancer cells has migrated and implanted and festered and grown and decided to fuck up another organ of my bones. There are at least 5 sites with lesions, my iliac bones, my scaral bones, a few spots on my spine, my sternum, and some ribs. I also know this is not curable....but is supposed to be treatable. As Dr K told me, if you had to choose where your disease came back, bones is a good place that responds well to treatment. He says many people can live "many, many years" with treatment but again some develop problems after a few years and well...then....
With my first cancer tango, there was a symmetry to everything, there was a beginning, a middle and a definite end where life went back to normal and life moved on, I moved on. With this tango, I have a diagnosis. I will have a treatment. I DO NOT WANT an end because that will mean the end of me and I am not ready to face that, not one fucking bit!
My hope is obviously for the first option, I hope, I PRAY, that I will respond to treatment, that we will suppress my disease and force its furry little cancer ass back into remission. I don't know why but I always picture cancer cells as furry little fuckers.
My babies are amazing, they astound me with their was like..."OK, you get treatment, you go into remission and you are good". God Bless them for this....I hope maybe HE is listening to them because I sort of feel like HE is bullying me. I am not saying that I don't deserve this anymore than the next person, I am not better than anyone. I have however carried and faced my share of hurdles throughout my life, from literally the day I was born until now. I know there are others out there who face far worse than what I am facing, I am just tired of being dealt a raw deal because there is no other words than THIS KIND OF SUCKS.
I am swinging on a pendulum of emotions from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. I am scared, terrified, angry, isolated, and paralyzed with everything that is happening. I know how to be a cancer survivor but I do not know how to be a person who has to live alongside it everyday. I am not a survivor anymore, I am a person with this disease, no longer "Beyond the Color Pink" but now swimming amongst it's hues.
I will use this blog as my "care page" as it is cathartic for me to write and release the swirling dervish of words in my head. Maybe now, I will sleep tonight, maybe now I will begin to find some peace and hope. I ask for your prayers to whatever God, Karma, MO JO, or spirit you believe in, I am no longer in a position to be choosy, I am simply trying my absolute DAMNEDEST to be here for my babies, John, my family and friends.
Thank you for listening. My apologies on my curse words. Warmest thoughts and many thanks to y'all.
Peace ✌
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Tree of Life - give, grow, and visualize
Hey y''s me....
I am feeling the love and it is amazing, exhilarating, and empowering. Thank you so much for your kindness. This is a journey for me, part of my path and I am literally sitting here smiling as I write. 😍. I have also realized that less thinking gives me a confidence I never thought I would have so that's a good thing....I think....LOL. 😕
I have had many hours of quiet over this past week, allowing me to have time for contemplation, day dreaming, reminiscence, and wistful pondering of all things good, bad, and in between. Roll with this little exercise for me....take a moment to visualize yourself as a deep rooted tree, full of life, full of branches, healthy and strong. 🌳 Some of you who know me, may have heard this idea before.
I feel there is a symbolism to the words "tree of life" and have used this symbolism throughout my journey. I picture myself as a strong and vibrant tree, the main trunk is me, body and soul, standing strong, healthy and proud of the beauty of it's life. The main branches of my tree are my loves, my husband, 3 kiddos, my sister and her husband, niece, nephew, cousins, aunts and uncles. They provide my foundation. There are a few saplings which no longer carry life but are still an important part of my tree, my parents and other family and friends who have left this earthly world too soon. The remaining branches on my tree are my friends, neighbors, doctors, and relationships I have formed throughout my life. These branches provide a robust, full, well rounded source of shelter, comfort, beauty, and growth. As I cross paths with new friends and old, a new set of branches will grow and continually fill out my tree of life so that one day, the branches will overflow and overlap with one another creating a visual image of strength and security.
I am not a huge granola type girl, sitting around a circle, smoking a peace pipe, and singing "Kumbya" - and if you are a believer in all of those things - that's totally cool, I mean no offense, honest to God, hand to Bible. I think the analytical side of me takes over and doesn't allow me the liberty and freedom to live a more hippie free lifestyle - maybe something for me to add to one my future detours on my journey. I am a work in progress and always willing to learn. Anyhow, I digress, I do believe in the power of visualization. Sometimes it works for me and sometimes not so much. But I try to keep this image of a strong, healthy tree in my minds eye throughout my days and it's something I would love for you to try as well.
We all have good and bad days, we all feel alone at some point in our lives or simply lonely. Whether it be due to illness or frenzied life, we can somehow begin to feel isolated without anyone isolating us or having a specific incident which causes us to retreat. It is at these times when seeing that image of a strong and healthy tree in your mind will help you remember you are not alone, never alone. One of the hardest actions for people is reaching out to someone for help or just to talk. No one wants to impose or seem weak. What I have been humbled to learn throughout my life, is the concept of helping one another is innate. For me, I would not be sitting here without the unbelievable help of others - some called upon and some who simply helped because they are of a giving nature. These acts of love and kindness watered my tree and allowed for new blooms and branches.
In the society we live in, busy, chaotic, hurried, we should always pause when reading a Facebook or Instagram post, catching that quick text or call, or chat at the end of the driveway and be present in the life of the person on the other end. It's hard, I know, we all have too much shit going on, I am as guilty of this as the next and need this reminder myself. Sometimes, that pause is all everyone can remind someone they are not alone, it can give them the courage to ask for help, it can simply be what they need at that moment. It also allows us to grow a branch on someone's tree for it is as important for us to provide growth as it is to need growth.
For my faithful friends who helped me last night....thank you. It is never easy to ask but I believe in the power of karma....what we put out in the world is what we will reap. You my darlings, will receive blessings for your simple acts of kindness. 👼 And no worries....nothing tragic going on....just a thrown out back, more nuisance than anything but definitely hindered my ability to be as funcationable as I would like..
Take this reminder and tuck it in a corner of your mind so as not to forget. What a beautiful image we can create with a forest full of grand, full, colorful foliage on an infinite number of trees. 🌳🎕💮
Peace. ✌
I am feeling the love and it is amazing, exhilarating, and empowering. Thank you so much for your kindness. This is a journey for me, part of my path and I am literally sitting here smiling as I write. 😍. I have also realized that less thinking gives me a confidence I never thought I would have so that's a good thing....I think....LOL. 😕
I have had many hours of quiet over this past week, allowing me to have time for contemplation, day dreaming, reminiscence, and wistful pondering of all things good, bad, and in between. Roll with this little exercise for me....take a moment to visualize yourself as a deep rooted tree, full of life, full of branches, healthy and strong. 🌳 Some of you who know me, may have heard this idea before.
I feel there is a symbolism to the words "tree of life" and have used this symbolism throughout my journey. I picture myself as a strong and vibrant tree, the main trunk is me, body and soul, standing strong, healthy and proud of the beauty of it's life. The main branches of my tree are my loves, my husband, 3 kiddos, my sister and her husband, niece, nephew, cousins, aunts and uncles. They provide my foundation. There are a few saplings which no longer carry life but are still an important part of my tree, my parents and other family and friends who have left this earthly world too soon. The remaining branches on my tree are my friends, neighbors, doctors, and relationships I have formed throughout my life. These branches provide a robust, full, well rounded source of shelter, comfort, beauty, and growth. As I cross paths with new friends and old, a new set of branches will grow and continually fill out my tree of life so that one day, the branches will overflow and overlap with one another creating a visual image of strength and security.
I am not a huge granola type girl, sitting around a circle, smoking a peace pipe, and singing "Kumbya" - and if you are a believer in all of those things - that's totally cool, I mean no offense, honest to God, hand to Bible. I think the analytical side of me takes over and doesn't allow me the liberty and freedom to live a more hippie free lifestyle - maybe something for me to add to one my future detours on my journey. I am a work in progress and always willing to learn. Anyhow, I digress, I do believe in the power of visualization. Sometimes it works for me and sometimes not so much. But I try to keep this image of a strong, healthy tree in my minds eye throughout my days and it's something I would love for you to try as well.
We all have good and bad days, we all feel alone at some point in our lives or simply lonely. Whether it be due to illness or frenzied life, we can somehow begin to feel isolated without anyone isolating us or having a specific incident which causes us to retreat. It is at these times when seeing that image of a strong and healthy tree in your mind will help you remember you are not alone, never alone. One of the hardest actions for people is reaching out to someone for help or just to talk. No one wants to impose or seem weak. What I have been humbled to learn throughout my life, is the concept of helping one another is innate. For me, I would not be sitting here without the unbelievable help of others - some called upon and some who simply helped because they are of a giving nature. These acts of love and kindness watered my tree and allowed for new blooms and branches.
In the society we live in, busy, chaotic, hurried, we should always pause when reading a Facebook or Instagram post, catching that quick text or call, or chat at the end of the driveway and be present in the life of the person on the other end. It's hard, I know, we all have too much shit going on, I am as guilty of this as the next and need this reminder myself. Sometimes, that pause is all everyone can remind someone they are not alone, it can give them the courage to ask for help, it can simply be what they need at that moment. It also allows us to grow a branch on someone's tree for it is as important for us to provide growth as it is to need growth.
For my faithful friends who helped me last night....thank you. It is never easy to ask but I believe in the power of karma....what we put out in the world is what we will reap. You my darlings, will receive blessings for your simple acts of kindness. 👼 And no worries....nothing tragic going on....just a thrown out back, more nuisance than anything but definitely hindered my ability to be as funcationable as I would like..
Take this reminder and tuck it in a corner of your mind so as not to forget. What a beautiful image we can create with a forest full of grand, full, colorful foliage on an infinite number of trees. 🌳🎕💮
Peace. ✌
life changes,
life changing moments,
Life Perspective,
living new,
Living Well,
post cancer living,
what is normal
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